Dr. Jonathan Brownlee

College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 260.422.5561, ext. 2154
Email: jjbrownlee@indianatech.edu
Office: Snyder Academic Center 255
My Office Hours
Please check back at the beginning of the semester
Classes I Teach
- COMM 2990: Rhetoric, Propaganda, and Inequality
- HUM 2800: Creative Writing-
- HUM 2990: Philosophy of Inequality
- ENG 1100: Introduction to College Writing
- ENG 1252: Argumentative Writing
- ENG 1272: Analytical Writing
Educational Background
- Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Writing, Bowling Green State University
- M.A. Liberal Studies (foci: philosophy and English), Indiana University, FW
- B.A. Philosophy and Communications, Bethel University
Professional Experience
- Assistant Professor of English and Humanities
- Writing Center Director
- Assistant Director of the Teaching Excellence Center
- Writer
Forthcoming “The Clarks’ Doll Experiment Revisited: Omnipresent Ideology, Paths of Pressurization, and Freedom”, forthcoming in 2024
2022 “The Cultural Myopia of Postmodernism” Poli-Femo Journal, in January
2020 “Intersecting Visual Art and Text: Creative-Critical Transgenre Approaches and Identities in Writing and Teaching with Dr. Kristin LaFollette, published in Creative Writing Studies, March 25th
2019 “Lessons Learned,” book section, published in Kendell Hunt Publishing Company
2019 “Action is the Root of Activism: The Impact of Nipsey Hussle,” Equality and Justice: An Engaged Generation, A Troubled World.
2019 “Bad Ideas About Writing Review,” published in Kairos, February 7th
2018 “Suasive Iterations Review,” Computers and Composition Online, January 19th
Multimedia/Digital Publications
2018 “James Baldwin’s Passage,” Bowling Green State University’s Digital Gallery.
Creative Writing Publications
2019 “Black Kitty,” (a short story), accepted at Infinite Rush, Texas Southern University Press.
2018 “Soliloquy,” (a novel), BPG, March 7th, 2018
Publications in Progress
Forthcoming “Bridging Abilities: Literacy, Empathy, and Ability,” (with Ashely Doonan), for review to Literacy in Composition Studies.
Art Exhibitions
2019 “Existential Collage” with Dr. Kristin LaFollette, showcased at The Art and Performance Center of West Toledo.
2018 “Goya Redux and Their Eyes,” showcased at The Art and Performance Center of West Toledo.
Conferences and Paper Presentations
International and National Conferences
2022 Conference on College Composition and Communication, “’Space to Be’ Engenders Agency and Authenticity” (with Dr. Carrie Duke and Carrie Rodesiler) Chicago, IL, Wednesday, March 9th
2020 Creative Writing Studies Organization Conference, “Intersecting Visual Art and Text: Creative-Critical Transgenre Approaches and Identities in Writing and Teaching” (with Dr. Kristin LaFollette). Online, Friday, October 9th
2018 Cultural Rhetorics Conference, “The Rhetoric of Existential Othering.” East Lansing, MI, Friday, November 16th
2018 Rhetoric Society of America Conference, “Being and Otherness: Embodiment in the Discourse of Africana Existentialism.” Minneapolis, MN, Friday, June 1st
2018 Pop Culture Association Conference, “’Rich Ghost in the Rich Shell’: Inequality in the Forthcoming Cybernetic Age.” Indianapolis, IN, Wednesday, March 28th
2017 Louisiana Association for College Composition: A Place for Writing Teachers to Gather… “Practice makes Pedagogy” (with Dr. Tynan Wilson). Lafayette, LA, Saturday, September 21st
2017 Roundtable on Online Teaching. Louisiana Association for College Composition: “A Place for Writing Teachers to Gather…” Lafayette, LA, Saturday, September 21st
Regional Conferences and Paper Presentations
2022 The 87th annual Indiana College English Association’s 2022 conference on “The Impacts of Education” (with Dr. Susan McGrade). The conference was held October 22 in The Norman Center on Marian University.
2019 21st Century Englishes, “Creative Spaces: Making Room for Student Creativity and Engagement.” Bowling Green, OH, Saturday, November 2nd
2019 College English Association of Ohio’s 2019 Spring Conference: (Re)Claiming Our Voice: Speaking and Writing in English Studies, “(Inverse) Erasure, (Reverse) Ekphrasis: Art and Creative Writing as Tools for Workshops, Collaboration and Participation” (with Kristin LaFollette). Findlay, OH, Saturday, April 6th
2019 Shanklin Colloquium, “Rhetorical Wisdom: Embodied Kairos in Aristotelian Rhetorical Philosophy.” Bowling Green, OH, Tuesday, April 10th
2018 3nd Annual Ray Browne Conference on Cultural and Critical Studies, “Can My Experience Speak? The Boarder Between Theory and Experience,” Bowling Green, OH, Saturday, April 7th
2017 Michigan College English Association Conference, “How to Evaluate Authority Using Aristotelian Virtue Ethics and Critical Thinking.” Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI, Friday, October 27th
2017 The 5th ANNUAL 21st Century Englishes Conference. Collaboration in the Classroom Session Co-Chair. “Given Words: Creative Writing, Collaboration, and Pedagogy” (with Kristin LaFollette). Bowling Green, OH, Saturday, October 21st
2017 The 5th ANNUAL 21st Century Englishes Conference. Roundtable: “How Did We Get Here: A Roundtable Discussion about the Ph.D. Experience.” Bowling Green, OH, Saturday, October 21st
2017 Closing Remarks at the 5th ANNUAL 21st Century English Conference. Bowling Green, OH, Saturday, October 21st
2017 2nd Annual Ray Browne Conference on Cultural and Critical Studies, “Power and Pedagogy (Redux): The Problem of Implicit Instruction in Post-Process Pedagogies” (with Aju Basil James). Bowling Green, OH, Saturday, March 18th
2017 2nd Annual Ray Browne Conference on Cultural and Critical Studies, “The Unintended Consequences of Social Constructionism in Identity Discourse.” Bowling Green, OH, Saturday, March 18th
2017 Women’s Gender, and Sexuality Studies Research Symposium, “(Re-)Framing Harriet Tubman: Mediated Rhetorical Performance and its Consequences.” Bowling Green, OH, April 29th
Why I Teach
I believe that knowledge and wisdom are two of the best tools for living a good life. I teach to help students acquire those tools.
Additional Information
Mick Doherty Kairos Award
“The Mick Doherty Kairos Scholarship was established to help provide educational expenses for Graduate Assistants in the Rhetoric and Writing Doctoral Program of the Department of English at Bowling Green State University. The award is given to the Graduate Assistant within the Rhetoric & Writing Program who has the highest GPA and the greatest professional potential.”