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Academic Policies & Requirements

Students should familiarize themselves with Indiana Tech’s academic policies and requirements. Information on specific topics such as grades, courses, and schedules can be found within current students of the University Registrar’s website.

Statement of Academic Integrity

Indiana Tech is an academic community that values and promotes academic integrity. All members of our community have an obligation to themselves, their peers, and the institution to uphold the code of ethics by demonstrating honesty, accountability, respect, and professionalism. When academic integrity is compromised, learning is minimized, and the goals of the academic community cannot be realized.

In order to maintain academic integrity, faculty are expected to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Maintain and role model personal academic integrity
  • Clearly define for students the expected level of collaboration (as it applies) on assignments/projects/homework
  • Confront academic dishonesty when it is believed to have occurred and adhere to the policy as stated on their course syllabi
  • Report incidences of academic dishonesty by completing Infraction Cards and submitting them to the academic dean of their college
  • Act to prevent violations of academic integrity

In order to maintain academic integrity, students are expected to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Maintain personal academic integrity
  • Ask faculty to clarify any aspects of permissible or expected cooperation on any assignment
  • Treat all graded academic exercises as work that is to be conducted individually, unless otherwise permitted
  • Report any instance of academic dishonesty to the instructor or academic dean of their college

Types of Academic Dishonesty

Examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to:

  • Cheating, which includes submitting the work of another person as one’s own work or using aids such as generative artificial intelligence (software that can produce various types of content) without prior instructor permission.
  • Self-plagiarism (or recycling fraud), which is the re-submission of part or all of one’s own work to fulfill academic requirements in the same course or in other courses without providing proper acknowledgment of the original work with accurate citations.
  • Fabrication, which is the falsification or invention of information or data in any academic undertaking.
  • Facilitating academic dishonesty, which involves assisting someone in an act of dishonesty.


Academic dishonesty is a serious offense. When a student has violated the principles of academic integrity, consequences will result as follows:

  • Violations of academic integrity will be handled by the faculty at the course level with an academic penalty for the course as stated in the course syllabus. The instructor will notify the student of the penalty and that the incident will be documented at the university level through the submission of an Academic Integrity Violation Reporting Form.
  • Once a second violation of academic integrity has been documented at the university level through the Academic Integrity Violation Reporting process, the student will be required to meet with the appropriate dean (day school) or assistant dean (CPS/online). At this meeting, the dean or associate dean will discuss the seriousness of the integrity violations and notify the student that any further integrity violations may result in dismissal from the university. A letter from the dean or associate dean will also be provided to the student documenting the information that was discussed at the meeting, and a copy placed in the student’s permanent file.
  • Upon subsequent violations, the appropriate dean or associate dean will meet with the student to discuss the seriousness of the offense and/or make a decision on dismissal in consultation with the Vice President of Academic Affairs. The student may appeal the decision by following the appeal procedures on conduct sanctions documented in the Student Handbook.