Dr. Cortney Robbins

College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 260.422.5561, ext. 2241
Email: crrobbins@indianatech.edu
Office: Snyder Academic Center, Room 265
My Office Hours
- M: 10–11 & 12–1
- T: 12:30–2:30
- W: 12–1
- R: 12:30—2:30
- F: 12–1
Classes I Teach
- COMM 1400 Public Communication
- COMM 2700 History of Mass Media
- ENG 1100 Introduction to College Writing
- ENG 1252 Argumentative Writing
- HUM 2990 Crime and Literature
- HUM 2990 Hidden American History
- HUM 2990 Social Class in Literature
- HUM 3310 Exploring Fiction
- HUM 3330 American Writers
- HUM 3390 Women’s Stories
- HUM 3420 Popular Culture and Literature
- HUM 4960 Literature, History, and Theory of Education
- IIT 1000 University Experience
My Academic Advising Roles
General Studies
Educational Background
- Ed.D., Adult, Higher, and Community Education, Ball State University (2019)
- M.A., History, Indiana State University (2023)
- M.A., English, Ball State University (2007)
- B.A., English Literature, Ball State University (2004)
Professional Experience
Indiana Institute of Technology August 2021—present
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Professor of English and Humanities
Indiana Institute of Technology August 2011—August 2021
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Associate Professor of English
Indiana Institute of Technology August 2007—2011
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Assistant Professor of English
Robbins, C.R., & Latz, A.O. (2015). Humanities’ place in the community college (Editor’s Choice). Academic Exchange Quarterly, 19(3), 160-165. Retrieved from http://rapidintellect.com/AEQweb/5592j5.pdf
Robbins, C.R., & Mulvihill, T.M. (2023). Matryoshka (nesting) dolls: A new canvas for visualizing educational biographies, Chapter in H. Bessette and C. Sutton-Brown, eds. Utilizing Visual Representation in Educational Research.
- “The Tech LEADS Initiative: Learning Communities for Students at Risk”, Fort Wayne Area Dean’s Conference, Fort Wayne, IN, Feb. 2010
- “Following the ‘Yellow Brick Road’ of Learning with Fantasy Literature”, Conference on College Teaching and Learning, Jacksonville, FL, Apr. 2010
- “The Tech LEADS Initiative: Learning Communities for Students at Risk”, Indiana TRiO Spring Conference, Fort Wayne, IN May 2010-Invited Presentation
- “Digital Storytelling in Developmental English”, Fort Wayne Area Dean’s Conference, Fort Wayne, IN, Feb. 2011
- “Digital Storytelling, “This I Believe,” and Developmental English”, Hawaii Int’l. Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, HI, Jan. 2012
- “‘The [Resistance] is Female’: Empathy, Gender, Education, and the Age of Trump”, Int’l. Society for Educational Biography Conf., Toronto, ON, Apr. 2017
- “Teaching Pop Culture Is Just like Riding a Broomstick: Balancing Critical and Appreciative Modes of Literary Study through the Harry Potter Series”, Popular Culture Association Conf., Indianapolis, IN, Mar. 2018
Why I Teach
I teach because I love learning, and I want to help students become passionate about it. Based upon my interdisciplinary studies, I aim to help students become better readers, writers, speakers, and thinkers, because those skills are not only essential for career success but for life fulfillment.
Additional Information
My awards include
- Indiana Tech Diversity Vanguard Award, 2023
- Gertrude and Theodore Debs Memorial Fellowship, Indiana State University, 2022
- Gertrude and Theodore Debs Memorial Fellowship, Indiana State University, 2021
- Fort Wayne Business Weekly’s Teacher of the Year, 2016
- Outstanding General Studies Faculty Award, 2009
- Leepoxy Faculty Award for Innovative Practices, 2009