Dr. Thomas D. Tran

Talwar College of Engineering and Computer Sciences
Phone: 260.422.5561, ext. 3478
Email: ThomasDTran@indianatech.edu
Office: Zollner Engineering Center, Z052
My Office Hours
MW: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Classes I Teach
- EM 3500: Fluid Mechanics
- EM 3550: Fluid Mechanics Lab
- ME 3200: Thermodynamics
- ME 4200: Thermal Science Investigations
- ME 4250: Thermal Science Investigations Lab
- ME 4300: Heat Transfer
- ME 4310: Heat Transfer Lab
- ME 4960: ME Senior Design I
- ME 4961: ME Senior Design II
- EGR 4950: Engineering Internship
My Academic Advising Roles
Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering
Educational Background
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Cal Poly Pomona
Professional Experience
Energy Consultant, Intermountain Industrial Assessment Center
Research Assistant, University of Utah
Teaching Assistant, University of Utah
Z. Ghaemi, T.D. Tran, A.D. Smith, “Comparing Classical and Metaheuristic Methods to Optimize Multi-objective Operation Planning of District Energy Systems Considering Uncertainties, Applied Energy, vol. 321, 2022.
Z. Ghaemi, T.D. Tran, A.D. Smith, “Sizing Optimization of District Energy Systems Considering Meteorological, Demand, and Electricity Emission Factor Uncertainties,” ASME, vol. 85635, 2021.
T.D. Tran and A.D. Smith, “Stochastic Optimization for Integration of Renewable Energy Technologies in District Energy Systems for Cost-effective Use,” Energies, vol. 12, 2019.
T. D. Tran and A. D. Smith, “Thermo-economic Analysis of Residential Rooftop Photovoltaic Systems with Integrated Energy Storage and Their Impacts toward Electrical Distribution Networks,” Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, vol. 29, pp. 92-105, 2018.
T. D. Tran and A. D. Smith, “Incorporating Performance-based Global Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis into LCOE Calculations for Emerging Renewable Energy Technologies,” Applied Energy, vol. 216, pp. 157-171, 2018.
T. D. Tran and A. D. Smith, “Evaluation of renewable energy technologies and their potential for technical integration and cost-effective use within the U.S. energy sector,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 80, pp. 1372-1388, 2017.
T. D. Tran, K. Park, and A. D. Smith, “System Scaling Approach and Thermoeconomic Analysis of a Pressure Retarded Osmosis System for Power Production with Hypersaline Draw Solution: A Great Salt Lake Case Study,” Energy, vol. 126, pp. 97-111, 2017.
Additional Information
LinkedIn: tinyurl.com/LinkedInTTDT
Google Scholar: tinyurl.com/ScholarTTDT