Dr. Carrie Rodesiler

College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 260-422-5561 ext. 3473
Email: carodesiler@indianatech.edu
Office: Snyder Academic Center, Room 262
My Office Hours
MWF: 11:30 – 12:30 pm, 2 – 3 pm
TR: 2 – 3 pm
Please schedule visits using Calendly: https://calendly.com/carrierodesiler
Classes I Teach
COMM 1400: Public Communication
ENG 1100: Introduction to College Writing
ENG 1252: Argumentative Writing
ENG 1272: Analytical Writing
ENG 2322: Research Writing
HUM 3330: American Writers
My Academic Advising Roles
20th Century Scholars
Educational Background
Ed.D., Higher Education, Ball State University
M.A., Critical Studies in Literacy and Pedagogy (composition/rhetoric), Michigan State University
B.A., English, Michigan State University
Professional Experience
Director of Title III, Retention Services, St. Petersburg College
Director of Developmental Education, Florida Gateway College
English and Reading Instructor, Florida Gateway College
Undergraduate & Graduate Writing Consultant, The Writing Center, Michigan State University
- Rodesiler, Carrie and Joan M. McGuire. “Ideas in Practice: Professional Development to Promote Universal Design for Instruction.” Journal of Developmental Education 38.2 (2015): 24-31.
- Rodesiler, Carrie. “A New Way to EXCEL at FGC.” Lake City Reporter 31 July 2011: 1 D+.
- “Bridging Knowledge Gaps without Developmental Education: Learning Toolkits as Remediation,” National Association for Developmental Education 39th Annual Conference, 2015.
- “Universal Design for Instruction: How Forging a New Partnership Changed Our Mosaic.” National Association for Developmental Education 36th Annual Conference, 2012.
- “Title III, Project EXCEL, and UDI: FGC’s Developmental Education Redesign.” Academic Support Center Conference, Florida Gateway College, 2011.
- “Cross-Class Collaboration: Embracing Open-Source Technologies,” Computers and Writing Conference, 2008.
- “Pedagogical Conversion: The Challenge of Moving from Tutor to Teacher,” East Central Writing Center’s Association Conference, 2008.
- “Inventing Scholarly Identity: Rhetorical, Imaginative, and Personal Gestures,” Conference on College Composition and Communication, 2007.
Additional Information
Faculty of the Year, 2021