Engineering Innovation Design Center
Ultimaker S5
These 3D printers are used frequently by our biomedical and mechanical engineering students. Versatile and compatible with a wide variety of materials, these printers are used to help fabricate different models and devices that are used for experiments in other labs.

Raise3D Printer
These 3D printers are used by students who design models that require more advanced fabrication capabilities. In addition, these machines are used to teach students how to repair 3D devices and understand how different settings can impact the fabrication process.

EMCO Rotary Molder
This device is used to fabricate hollow plastic products from molds machined on a CNC turning center. The system helps students learn that some products can only be manufactured when multiple machines are used.

Stratasys Dimension Elite
These are industrial-grade 3D printers that show students how additive machines designed for manufacturing differ from ones developed for commercial use. These machines are capable of fabricating prototypes with exquisite detail.