Dr. Kevin Bottomley

College of Business, Ph.D. in Global Leadership
Phone: 260.422.5561, ext. 2447
Email: ksbottomley02@indianatech.edu
Office: Cunningham Suite 103
My Office Hours
By appointment
Classes I Teach
RES 7000: Introduction to Research Methods
RES 7015: Global Leadership Research
RES 8000: Doctoral Research Seminar
LDS 7001: Leadership Theory & Research
Educational Background
PhD, Leadership Studies, North Carolina A&T State University
MPA, Master in Public Affairs/Nonprofit Management, University of North Carolina – Greensboro
BS, Sports Medicine, Guilford College
Professional Experience
Adjunct Instructor, Indiana Tech – PhD in Global Leadership
Adjunct Instructor, Franciscan University of Our Lady of the Lake – School of Health Professions
Associate Faculty/Senior Lead Faculty Area Chair – URM, Research, & Dissertation, University of Phoenix – College of Doctoral Studies
Executive Director, YMCAs of Greensboro
Journal Articles
- Bottomley, K., Schumacher, J., Burleigh, C., & Lindsay, P. (2020). Supporting Online Doctoral Students to Increase Persistence and Completion. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administrators.
- Bottomley, K., & Burgess, S.W. (2018). Changing Generations in Today’s Workforce: Leadership Skills for Millennials. Employment Relations Today, 1-5.
- Bottomley, K., Burgess, S., & Fox, M., (2014). Are the behaviors of transformational leadership impacting organizations? A study of leadership. International Management Review, 10(1), 5-9.
Academic Book Chapters
- Migliore, L.A., Bottomley, K., & Arena, B. (May 2019). Employee Engagement in 3D Virtual Learning Environments: A Digitized HRD Framework Model for Leadership and Learning. In J.A. Overby & P.A. Gordon (Eds.), Advances in the Technology of Managing People: Contemporary Issues in Business The Changing Context of Managing People. Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Bottomley, K., & Burgess, S.W. (May 2018). Millennials in Leadership: An Examination of the Practice-Immediacy Model. In J. Marques & S. Dhiman (Eds.), Engaged Leadership: Transforming through Future Oriented Design Thinking. Springer Publishing, Inc.
- Bottomley, K., (March 2018). Developing Sustainable Leadership Through Succession Planning. In P.A. Gordon & J.A. Overbey (Eds.), Succession Planning: Promoting Organizational Sustainability. Palgrave Macmillan.
Conference Proceedings
- Bottomley, K., Fincannon, A., & Edmiston, C. (2021). Shifting the Paradigm: On-Campus to Online for a PhD Residency. Paper Presentation at the Distance Learning Administrators Conference, Jekyll Island, GA. DLA Conference Proceedings, p. 25-32.
- Imani, K. & Bottomley, K. (2021). Overcoming Data Collection Obstacles in a Distance Learning Program During a Pandemic. Paper Presentation at the Distance Learning Administrators Conference, Jekyll Island, GA. DLA Conference Proceedings, p. 105-108.
- Migliore, L.A., Bottomley, K., & Arena, B. (2019, June). Student and Faculty Engagement in 3D Virtual Learning Environments. Paper Presentation at the Distance Learning Administration Conference, Jekyll Island, GA. DLA Conference Proceedings, p. 133-141.
- Barber, E., Potts, A., Bottomley, K., Snyder, J., Ziaya, C., Kapenuka, L., Misomali, A., Archuleta, D., Davenport, D., Stovala, R., Nock, D., Ngalande, T., Dwyer, M., & Sheargold, B., (2016, November). Crafting community and change through books and pads: The Tikondwe teacher’s project in Domasi, Malawi. Paper presented at the International Conference of Education, Research, and Innovation, Seville, Spain. ICERI2016 Conference Proceedings, p. 8202-8211
Conference Presentations (Refereed)
- Bottomley, K., Fincannon, A., & Edmiston, C. (2021). Shifting the Paradigm: On-Campus to Online for a PhD Residency. Paper presentation at the Distance Learning Administrators Conference, Jekyll Island, GA.
- Imani, K. & Bottomley, K. (2021). Overcoming Data Collection Obstacles in a Distance Learning Program During a Pandemic. Paper presentation at the Distance Learning Administrators Conference, Jekyll Island, GA.
- Bottomley, K.S. (2021, January). Unspoken factors within organizational decision-making: A case study. Paper Presentation at The Qualitative Report (TQR) Conference, Virtual presentation.
- Bottomley, K.S., Schumacher, J.A., Burleigh, C.L., & Lindsay, P. (2020, June). Supporting online doctoral students to increase persistence and completion. Paper Presentation at the Distance Learning Administrator’s Conference, Jekyll Island, GA. – Accepted for presentation however conference was cancelled due to Covid-19.
- Bottomley, K.S., Burleigh, C.L., Migliore, L.A., & Bean, E. (2020, January). Using the VAE model to develop sustainable leadership in education by passing the torch to millennials. Paper Presentation at the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.
- Bottomley, K.S., Schumacher, J.A., Burleigh, C.L., & Lindsay, P. (2020, January). Brave. Honest. Focused: Faculty and student engagement in online doctoral programs. Paper Presentation at the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.
- Lindsay, P. & Bottomley, K.S. (2020, January). A case study on implementing the ARCS model in education for adults with intellectual disabilities. Paper Presentation at the Hawaii International Conference on Education,
Additional Information
Dr. Kevin Bottomley is an Assistant Professor for the Ph.D. in Global Leadership program. Dr. Bottomley has a Ph.D. in Leadership Studies from North Carolina A&T State University. His current research focuses on sustainable leadership, decision-making, and Millennials in leadership. Dr. Bottomley has written articles, academic book chapters, and presented at numerous national and international conferences on topics related to leadership. Dr. Bottomley has previously taught online and held administrative positions in the College of Doctoral Studies at the University of Phoenix and taught as an adjunct at Franciscan University of Our Lady of the Lake – School of Health Professions. In addition to his academic career, Dr. Bottomley spent 24 years serving in various roles for the YMCA of Greensboro, with over 15 of those years being as a branch Executive Director. Dr. Bottomley brings both academic and practical application experience to his role at Indiana Tech.