Dr. Michael Bechill

College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 260.422.5561, ext. 3477
Email: mpbechill@indianatech.edu
Office: Zollner 256
Dr. Bechill is the director of Indiana Tech’s the newly launched Pharmaceutical Sciences program. Specializing in medical microbiology and immunology, he also serves as the director of the Summit Biofilm Institute and consults for the pharmaceutical industry. With expertise in clinical infections, his research focuses on novel drug development and biofilm antimicrobial resistance. Passionate about public health education, he launched the Just the Facts Podcast to provide insights during the COVID-19 pandemic, appearing on NPR and several other major media outlets. Dr. Bechill is dedicated to fostering scientific curiosity and is excited to ignite the passion for science in your learner.
My Office Hours
MTWF: 2 pm – 4 pm
Classes I Teach
BIO 1150 – Human Biology
BIO 1350 – General Biology II (Molecular)
BIO 1360 – General Biology II Lab
BIO 2910 – Cell Bio Lab
BIO 4800 – Cell and Molecular Research I
BIO 4810 – Cell and Molecular Research II
HSC 2350 – Endocrinology & Immunology
HSC 2700 – Clinical Microbiology
HSC 3100 – Pharmacology & Toxicology
Educational Background
The University of Toledo College of Medicine, Toledo, Ohio
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Medical Microbiology & Immunology, 2014
The University of Saint Francis, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2008
Professional Experience
Mulye M.D., Bechill M.B., Grose W., Ferreira V.P., Lafontaine E.L., Wooten R.M. – Delineating the importance of serum opsonins and the bacterial capsule in affecting the uptake and killing of Burkholderia pseudomallei by murine neutrophils and macrophages. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
Conferences – Meetings Attended and Presented:
- Invited Speaker – ASM Conference on Biofilms, Charlotte, NC, November 13-17, 2022
- Invited Speaker – 26 Annual Midwest Microbial Pathogenesis Conference (MMPC), Toledo, OH, September 2019; Oral.
- 4th Annual Ohio Center for Innovative Immunosuppressive Therapeutics Research Symposium, Toledo, OH, April 2013; Oral.
- 2013 Graduate Research Forum, Toledo, OH, March 2013; Poster. 19th Annual Midwest Microbial Pathogenesis Conference, Milwaukee WI, September 2012; Poster.
- 2012 Graduate Research Forum, Toledo, OH, March 2012; Poster.
- 3rd Annual Ohio Center for Innovative Immunosuppressive Therapeutics Research Symposium, Toledo, OH, December 2011; Oral.
- 18th Annual Midwest Microbial Pathogenesis Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, October 2011; Poster.
- 2nd Annual Midwest Graduate Research Symposium, Toledo, OH, March 2011; Poster.
- 2011 Graduate Research Forum, Toledo, OH, March 2011; Poster.
- 2nd Annual Ohio Center for Innovative Immunosuppressive Therapeutics Research Symposium, Columbus, OH, November 2010; Oral.
- 2010 Graduate Research Forum, Toledo, OH, March 2010; Poster.
- 1st Annual Midwest Graduate Research Symposium, Toledo, OH, March 2010; Poster.
Why I Teach
As a professor, I feed off my student’s energy, and they feed off mine. I show passion and excitement for each topic we discuss in hopes that the students get excited and become further engaged to the point that the most important thing happens… they ask questions. I take great care in making students feel comfortable and safe asking questions. They must feel confident that it is okay not to know and that asking the question is more important than being right. I try to show them the importance of asking…why? Why is that the answer? Why does the body function that way? Why does the infection cause specific pathological sequelae? I strive to make students comfortable with the realization that learning is a process. I strive to inspire. I am motivated as a professor to do my very best every day. I want my students to look back ten years after graduation and know that their trust was well placed. I want them to be prepared for their careers. I want them to feel challenged to grow as citizens.
Additional Information
Specialty Areas: Medical Microbiology, Immunology, Host Pathogen Interaction, Antimicrobial Resistance, Infection, Immunity, Transplantation, Molecular and Cellular Biology