Dr. Heather St. Peters

College of Business
Phone: 260.422.5561, ext. 2465
Email: hystpeters@indianatech.edu
Office: Cunningham, 311A
My Office Hours
T: 10:00-12:00 p.m.
W: 9:00-10:00 a.m.; 11:00-1:00 p.m.
R: 10:00-1:00 p.m.
Classes I Teach
BA 2700: Organizational Behavior
BA 3090: Global Business & Leadership
RES 7011: Research Critique
Educational Background
- Doctor of Philosophy in Global Leadership in Organizational Management (2013)
Indiana Institute of Technology, Fort Wayne, IN - Master of Science in Communication (1994)
Illinois State University, Normal, IL - Master of Science in Political Science (1994)
Illinois State University, Normal, IL - Bachelor of Arts in International Relations (1991)
Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, IL
Professional Experience
- Associate Professor of Business Administration
College of Business
Indiana Institute of Technology, Fort Wayne, IN - Associate Professor (2021-2023)
Occupational Therapy Doctoral Program
Huntington University, Fort Wayne, IN - Director of the Friesen Center for Service & Experiential
Learning & Associate Professor of Organizational Leadership (2019-2021)
Huntington University, Huntington, IN - Associate Professor of Organizational Leadership &
Director, Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership (2017-2019)
Huntington University, Huntington, IN - Assistant Professor of Organizational Leadership (2015-2017)
Institute for Leadership & Counseling
Huntington University - Vice President for Human Resources (2013-2014
Associate Professor of Communication
LCC International University, Klaipeda, LT - Director of Development (2011-2014)
A Friend’s House, Bluffton, IN - Assistant Professor of Management & Communication (2006-2009)
Taylor University Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne, IN - Director of Public Relations Studies (1998-2006)
Taylor University Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne, IN - Director of Correspondence Studies (1994-1997)
Taylor University Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne, IN
Short, N., St. Peters, H., Eckert, J., Grady, N., Kline, E., & Weber, H. (2023). Impact of seating and mobility Services for Individuals with Disabilities in El Salvador. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77(4), 7704205140.
Visley, J., & St. Peters, H. Y. Z. (2023). Respite care utilized as alternative learning and service to the disability community. OT Practice, 28(4), 20-24.
Visley, J., St. Peters, H. Y. Z., & Rivera, A. D. (2022). Maximizing worker outcomes through integrating practitioner strength development. SIS Quarterly Practice Connections, 7(4).
Short, N., St. Peters, H.Y.Z., Almonroeder, T., Daller, G.K., Deaton, K., & Kreill, M. (2020). Long-term impact of cross-cultural service learning: Cultural competence revisited. Journal of Occupational Therapy Education.
St. Peters, H. Y. Z. & Short, N. (2018). Cross-cultural service learning as pedagogy for character development in OTD students. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 6(4), 8-16.
Short, N., & St. Peters, H. (2017). Exploring the impact of service learning in Haiti on the cultural competence of OTD students. Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 1(1), 1-15.
Wood, E. D., & St. Peters, H. (2014). Short-term cross-cultural study tours: Impact on cultural intelligence. International Journal for Human Resource Management, 25(4), 558-570.
Wood, E. D., & St. Peters, H. (2013). The efficacy of short-term international tours in business education. Learning and Innovating in a Trans-disciplinary World: Making, Tinkering, and Remixing Management and Leadership, Milwaukee, WI, October 10-12, Midwest Academy of Management.
Wood, E. D., & St. Peters, H. (2013). A framework for global innovation: Toward a theory of cultural intelligence and diversity in innovative partnerships Learning and Innovating in a Trans-disciplinary World: Making, Tinkering, and Remixing Management and Leadership, Milwaukee, WI, October 10-12, Midwest Academy of Management.
Wood, E. D., & St. Peters, H. (2013). Expatriate career assessments: An integrative literature review Learning and Innovating in a Trans-disciplinary World: Making, Tinkering, and Remixing Management and Leadership, Milwaukee, WI, October 10-12, Midwest Academy of Management.
Wood, E. D., & St. Peters, H. (2012). A model for global outreach across the business curriculum. Christian Business Academy Review, 25-32.
Williams, S., & Zenk, H. (1994). Value differences in a Japanese-managed bicultural organization, 64th Annual Convention, Norfolk: VA, Southern States Communication Association.
Williams, S., & Zenk, H. (1994). Effects of value discrepancy in a bicultural organization, 64th Annual Convention, Norfolk: VA, Southern States Communication Association.
Short, N., St. Peters, H., Eckert, J., Grady, N., Kline, E., & Weber, H. (2023, March). Impact of Seating and Mobility services for individuals with disabilities in El Salvador. INSPIRE 2023, Kansas City, Missouri.
St. Peters, H. Y. Z., & Visley, J. (2023) Changing occupational therapy student attitudes toward persons with disabilities: Lessons on impairment and ableness to change the OT profession. INSPIRE 2023, Kansas City, Missouri.
St. Peters, H. Y. Z. (2022, April 23). Virtual intervention to meet occupational needs of students: Outcomes from a blended classroom using experiential learning techniques [Conference session]. Indiana Occupational Therapy Association Spring Conference. Huntington, Indiana.
Henton, P., St. Peters, H. Y. Z., Koch, L. (2022, April 23). Service learning: A foundation for therapeutic use of self [Poster session]. Indiana Occupational Therapy Association Spring Conference. Huntington, Indiana.
St. Peters, H. (2017). Exploring dramaturgical training as cross-cultural training. 14th International CIRCLE Conference, Warsaw, Poland.
Developmental experiences in OT leadership: A panel discussion (2016). International Journal for Human Resource Management.
St. Peters, H. (2013). Learning styles and cultural intelligence in global leadership
development [Conference session]. Midwest Scholars Conference.
St. Peters, H. (2012). Cultural intelligence and dramaturgical training as tools for global talent development: Two pilot studies in Lithuania [Conference session]. 14th International Leadership Association Global Conference.
Wood, E. D., & St. Peters, H. (2011). Developing cultural intelligence through short-term study tours [Conference session]. Midwest Scholars Conference.
Lost in translation: The challenges of teaching freshman-level courses online (2009;
conference session). Midwest Scholars Conference.
Wood, E. D., & St. Peters, H. (2008). A new model for global outreach across the business curriculum [Conference session]. Christian Business Faculty Association Conference.
St. Peter, H. (2006). Community partnerships with vocational exploration [Conference session]. Faith Traditions, Spirituality & Service-Learning Conference.
St. Peters, H (2005). Lectures to labs [Conference session]. Fort Wayne Teaching Conference.
St. Peters, H (2001). Enter the workforce or INTERN [Conference session]. Fort Wayne Area Deans’ Conference.
St. Peters, H (2000). Lectures lose learners [Conference session]. Fort Wayne Area Deans’ Conference.
Martin, J., Strahm, S., & St. Peters, H. (1999). A demand for change: Understanding and meeting student needs [Conference session]. Coalition of Christian Colleges &
Universities National Conference.
Why I Teach
My passion centers on empowering students to see their worth and nurture their talents for a successful academic journey and professional career! Every time I enter a classroom, I hope to create a learning community where students can achieve their goals.
Additional Information
My family and I volunteer in Klaipeda, Lithuania every summer (since 2001), teaching student from all over Eurasia and dragging our three girls with us.
I enjoy attempting new art projects: drawing, water color, quilting, crocheting, multimedia journaling… I prefer reading dystopian literature when I’m not researching. And, my Cavapoo (dog) Pooka and I walk 25 miles a week when the weather cooperates.
My current research interests focus on professional dilemmas, narrative identity work for leadership development, experiential learning… I really like reading journal articles.