Dr. Erik Bean

College of Business, Ph.D. in Global Leadership
Phone: 260.422.5561, ext. 2265
Email: EPBean@indianatech.edu
Office: Cunningham 105A
My Office Hours
Open: Email me with days
and times of your availability
Classes I Teach
LDS 7001 Leadership Theory & Practice
LDS 7003 Communication in Global & Diverse Context
OLHE 7008 Global Practicum
RES 7011 Research Critique
Educational Background
EdD, Educational Administration, University of Phoenix
MA, Journalism, Michigan State University
Professional Experience
Hello, I’m Dr. Erik Bean and I am pleased to serve as Professor of Practice for the Ph.D. in Global Leadership program here at Indiana Tech. The latter bulk of my career has spanned teaching and administrative roles in higher and secondary education as well as several journalistic efforts including serving as a section editor of a John Wiley & Sons leadership journal, an editor of a minority newspaper, and reporter. I have also written award-winning academic book titles in curriculum, media literacy, and self-leadership. I began facilitating classes online during its infancy in the late 1990s. Concurrently, I was a technical writer for the Big Three Detroit automakers and I also ghost wrote a groundbreaking ISO/QS9000 quality procedure book. My specialization was marketing communications and later customer experience (CX), and I also held a web front end creator partnership. More recently, I was selected as a First-Place recipient of the 2022 Henry Ford Innovation Nation annual contest for creating information literacy curriculum used in community college and library settings. Today, I am the Michigan Chapter Leader, Media Literacy Now. I also am a founder of a Michigan 501(c)3 mental health nonprofit.
Selected Journal Articles
- Bean, E. (2023, June). Seven initial prominent sources of all information bias impartiality types parsed. Media Literacy and Academic Research, 6(1), 40-54. Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie Univerzita.
- Burleigh, C., Wilson, A. M., & Bean, E. (2023). Public K-12 education response to serving special education students during COVID: A content analysis. Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals, Spring/Summer, 32-53.
- Bean, E. (2019). Autoethnography of the cultural competence exhibited at an African American weekly newspaper organization. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 16, 153-164.
- Bean, E. (2018). From the Leadership Perspectives editor. Journal of Leadership Studies, 12(2): 33.
- Ludorf, M., & Bean, E. (2017). Welcome to Leadership Perspectives. Journal of Leadership Studies,11(2): 34–36.
- Bean, E. (2017). An academy customer experience benchmark observation. Journal of Online Learning Research and Practice, 5(1), 17-31. (formerly Internet Learning Journal).
- Bean, E. (2015). Assessing the degree of homogeneous online teaching textbook Infancy from 1999 to 2007 using the immediacy principle. Journal of Online Learning Research and Practice, 4(1). 88-125. (formerly Internet Learning Journal).
Academic Book Chapters
- Garg, R., Chhikara, R., Panda, T. K., & Kataria, A. (2018). Driving customer appeal through the use of emotional branding; Benchmark academy study ties customer experience to emotional branding (Bean, E. Chapter 3, pp. 41-54). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- Bean, E. & Shrawder, J. (2014). Moments of clarity: Anthology of stories from faculty who teach for success: The Immediacy Principle: (Bean, E. Chapter 14, pp. 67-72). Rio Rancho, NM; Pentronics. ISBN-13: 978-0974091518
- Bean, E. (2021). Bias is all around you: A handbook for inspecting social media & news stories. Foreword written by Tim Vos, Ph.D., director, School of Journalism, Michigan State University. Healthy Mind Express Imprint.
- Migliore, L.A. & Bean, E. (2020). 20/20 Prudent leadership: Who am I. Abundant Knowledge
- Migliore, L.A. & Bean, E. (2020). 20/20 Prudent leadership: Conversation, conduct, character, & COVID-19. Abundant Knowledge
- Migliore, L.A. & Bean, E. (2020). 20/20 Prudent leadership: Values. Abundant Knowledge
- Waszak, E. & Bean, E. (2019). Ethan’s healthy mind express: A children’s first mental health primer. Healthy Mind Express Imprint.
- Bean, E. & Waszak, E. (2015). Social media lesson plans for YouTube, Facebook, NaNoWriMo, and CreateSpace: Plus intro to blogger. Westphalia Press, Washington, D.C.
- Bean, E. (2014). Rigorous grading using Microsoft Word AutoCorrect: Plus Google Docs. Westphalia Press. (Top 100 All-Time Microsoft Word Best Selling Book according to CNN and Forbes Magazine).
- Bean, E. & Waszak, E. (2014). WordPress for student writing projects.
Brigantine Media: Compass Division.
Selected Sanctioned Conference Presentations
- Bean, E. (2025). Student perceptions to co-create a better media literacy bias assessment tool as an invitation to change. The 16th Annual Qualitative Report Conference, Nova Southeastern University, March, 2025. Accepted.
- Bean, E. (2024). Embracing AI in Leadership: Changing architect of white-collar roles, International Leadership Association 26th Global Conference, “Architects of Change: Leaders, Followers & Communities,” Chicago, November 8, 2024.
- Bean, E. (2024). Accepted peer reviewed 2023 article to a European media literacy journal goes horribly wrong using ChatGPT: An autoethnography story. The 15th Annual Qualitative Report Conference, Nova Southeastern University. March 1.
- Subhashis, N, & Bean, E. (2023). Transformational leadership at Pfizer – A case study, International Leadership Association 25th Global Conference, “Cultivating Leadership for a Thriving Future,” Vancouver, B.C., Remote, Oct. 3, 2023.
- Bean, E. (2022). Keynote: Curtailing bias in scholarship and civil discourse to improve rigor and avoid false narratives, The Construction Business and Project Management Conference, Department of Construction Economics and Management, University of Cape Town, Africa, Remote, June 24, 2022.
- Bean, E., & Migliore, L.A. (2021). Reimagining self-leadership and the phenomenon of one’s person’s prudence being another’s provocation. International Leadership Association 23th Global Conference, “Reimagining Leadership Together,” Geneva, Switzerland, Remote, Oct. 25, 2021.
- Luster, R., & Bean, E. (2021). Using virtuous leadership in chaos to reimagine beneficial practices of employee cognitive psychology. International Leadership Association 23th Global Conference, “Reimagining Leadership Together,” Geneva, Switzerland, Remote, Oct. 24, 2021.
- Rominger, R. Kebritchi, M., Davidson, P., Bean, E., Johnson, K., Johnston, E. & Lane, J. (2021). 30 Years and a Pandemic: Panel Discussion of the Impact on Research Methods from Social Distancing. The Qualitative Report 12th Annual Conference, Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Remote, Jan. 13, 2021.
- Migliore, L.A. & Bean, E. (2020). Prudent self-leadership for iGen happiness in life and career. Meaningful Living and Learning in a Digital World, West Georgia University, Savannah, GA, Feb. 12, 2020.
- Bottomley, K., Burleigh, C., Migliore, L.A., & Bean, E. (2020). Using the VAE-Model to develop sustainable leadership in education by passing the torch to millennials. 18th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI, Jan. 5, 2020.
- Bean E. (2019). Energizing the getting published process: An administrative task! Keynote Leadership Development Group Luncheon, The International Leadership Association 21st Annual Global Conference, Courage Required, Ottawa, CA. Oct. 26, 2019.
- Bean E. (2019). Autoethnography of the cultural competence exhibited at an African American weekly newspaper organization. InSite 2019 Informing Science International Conference. Jerusalem, Israel, July 1, 2019.
- Bean, E, Johnston, E., Rominger, R. (2019). Proposed use of prominence in qualitative research. The Qualitative Report 10th Annual Conference, Teaching and Learning Qualitative Research, Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Jan. 12, 2019.
- Kebritchi, M., Rominger, R., Bean, E. et al. (2019). Research methodology groups: The community of scholar practitioners to enhance qualitative and mixed methods designs. The Qualitative Report 10th Annual Conference, Teaching and Learning Qualitative Research, Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Jan. 13, 2019.
- Bean, E, Bottomley, K., Migliore, L.A., Burleigh, C. Duthely, L., Champion, A. (2018). The indispensable truth of yoga: authentic leading and learning for inspiring performance. The International Leadership Association 20th Annual Global Conference, Authentic Leadership for Progress, Peace, & Tranquility, West Palm Beach, FL. Oct. 25, 2018.
- Migliore, L.A., Bean. E. (2018). Prudence as a construct to embody leadership for peace and prosperity. The International Leadership Association 20th Annual Global Conference, Authentic Leadership for Progress, Peace, & Tranquility, West Palm Beach, FL. Oct. 26, 2018.
- McCaslin, M., Bean, E., Ludorf, M., Eylers, H. (2018). Publishing in Leadership Perspectives of the Journal of Leadership Studies. (2018). The International Leadership Association 20th Annual Global Conference, Authentic Leadership for Progress, Peace, & Tranquility, West Palm Beach, FL. Oct. 26, 2018.
- Bean. E. (2018). Industrial age advertising identity solutions for a 21st century social network driven world. Internet, Politics, Policy 2018: Long Live Democracy. St. Anne’s College, University of Oxford, Sept 21, 2018.
- Bean, E., & Bean, J. (2017). Navigating the successful use of personas in turbulent times. Proceedings of the 2017 International Leadership Association (ILA) 19th Annual Global Conference, Leadership in Turbulent Times, (p. 74), Brussels.
- Bean, J., & Bean, E. (2017). Starbucks social media and business leadership renewal during challenging times. Proceedings of the 2017 International Leadership Association (ILA) 19th Annual Global Conference, Leadership in Turbulent Times, (p. 126), Brussels.
- Turner J., & Bean, E. (2017). Servant military leadership can be most effective during unstable times. Proceedings of the 2017 International Leadership Association (ILA) 19th Annual Global Conference, Leadership in Turbulent Times, (p. 101), Brussels.
- Bean, E. (2016). An academy customer experience benchmark observation. Customer Experience Summit, Oct. 19, 2016. Lord’s Cricket Stadium, London.
- Bean, E., & Dulabaum, N. (2016). Leveraging technology and immediacy to shrink the classroom Digital Divide. League of Innovation in the Community College, Chicago, IL, March 23, 2016.
- Bean, E. (2015). A University of Phoenix research center customer experience assessment study. International Leadership Association 17th Annual Global Conference, Barcelona, Spain, October 16, 2015.