Dr. Robert Turick

College of Business
Phone: 260.344.4814
Email: rmturick@indianatech.edu
Office: Cunningham, 215C
My Office Hours
MTWR: 1pm to 3pm
Classes I Teach
Educational Background
Ph.D., Sport Management, University of Florida (2018)
M.Ed., Sport Administration, Bowling Green State University (2014)
B.S., Sport Administration, Indiana University of Pennsylvania (2012)
Professional Experience
Robert Turick is an Assistant Professor of Sport Management. He joined Indiana Tech in July 2024 after working as an Assistant Director of Research at the National Collegiate Athletic Association. While at the NCAA, Robert oversaw survey operations, served as the research liaison to NCAA Division II, and conducted research related to student-athlete graduation rates and well-being. During his time at the NCAA, Robert taught classes as an adjunct faculty member at Eastern Kentucky University and Miami University. Prior to joining the NCAA, Robert was as Assistant Professor of Sport Administration at Ball State University. While pursuing his doctorate at the University of Florida, Robert served as the primary instructor of an undergraduate sport sociology course and worked as a content tutor for the University Athletic Association.
Robert has published 22 research papers in peer-reviewed journals, taught a variety of sport management courses, and engaged in high-level service within the academic field of sport management.
- Feller, R.*, Turick, R., Walker, K., & Downs, B. (2024). Now what? An assessment of perceived legacies post-Olympic cycle. International Journal of Event and Festival Management.
- Foreman, J., Turick, R., Williams, D., & Skinner, T.* (2023). Subsequent head coach opportunities in the national football league based on race, market size, and city segregation. Administrative Issues Journal: Connecting Education, Practice, and Research.
- Turick, R., Weems, A., Swim, N.*, Bopp, T., & Singer, J. (2021). Who are we honoring? Extending the Ebony & Ivy discussion to include sport facilities. Journal of Sport Management.
- Turick, R., Bopp, T., & Swim, N.* (2021). “How do I do life?” The challenges of preparing student-athletes for professional roles. Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education.
- Turick, R., Feller, R.*, & Blom, L. (2020). Welcome to America! How can athletic departments better assist international student-athletes with their transition into the American university setting? Journal of Emerging Sport Studies.
*Indicates student co-author.
- Turick, R. (February 2024). Behind the Scenes with NCAA Research. Applied Sport Management Association Conference, Knoxville, TN.
- Turick, R., MacCharles, J., Martin, T., Shin, N., & Veraldo, C. (June 2022). Strategies for Recruiting Underrepresented Racial Minorities into Sport Management Programs: A Workshop Sponsored by the Diversity and Inclusion Committee. North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Turick, R., Swim, N.*, Feller, R.*, & Biermaier, M.* (February 2021). Training the (Occasional) Graders: Preparing Graduate Students to Grade Undergraduate Sport Management Work. Commission on Sport Management Accreditation Conference, Virtual.
*Indicates student co-author.