Dr. Changhao Chenli

Talwar College of Engineering and Computer Sciences
Phone: 260.344.4872
Email: cchenli@indianatech.edu
Office: Zollner 115C
My Office Hours
MTWR: 1-3 pm.
or by appointment.
Classes I Teach
CS 1200: Intro to CS
CYS 1100: Intro to Cybersecurity
IS 5700: Information Security and IT Governance
My Academic Advising Roles
Educational Background
- Ph.D. – Computer Science and Engineering – University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN (2024)
- M.E. – Software Engineering – Renmin University of China, Beijing, China (2018)
- B.E. – Information Security – Renmin University of China, Beijing, China (2016)
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor of Cybersecurity – Indiana Institute of Technology (Present)
For full publication records, please refer to my Google Scholar page.
- Chenli, Changhao, Wenyi Tang, Hyeonbum Lee, and Taeho Jung. “Fair 2 Trade: Digital Trading Platform Ensuring Exchange and Distribution Fairness.” IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (2024).
- Chenli, Changhao, Wenyi Tang, Frank Gomulka, and Taeho Jung. “ProvNet: Networked bi-directional blockchain for data sharing with verifiable provenance.” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 166 (2022): 32-44.
- Chenli, Changhao, Wenyi Tang, and Taeho Jung. “Fairtrade: Efficient atomic exchange-based fair exchange protocol for digital data trading.” In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain), pp. 38-46. IEEE, 2021.
- Chenli, Changhao, and Taeho Jung. “Provnet: Networked blockchain for decentralized secure provenance.” In Blockchain–ICBC 2020: Third International Conference, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, SCF 2020, Honolulu, HI, USA, September 18-20, 2020, Proceedings 3, pp. 76-93. Springer International Publishing, 2020.
- Chenli, Changhao, Boyang Li, and Taeho Jung. “Dlchain: Blockchain with deep learning as proof-of-useful-work.” In Services–SERVICES 2020: 16th World Congress, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, SCF 2020, Honolulu, HI, USA, September 18-20, 2020, Proceedings 16, pp. 43-60. Springer International Publishing, 2020.
- Chenli, Changhao, Boyang Li, Yiyu Shi, and Taeho Jung. “Energy-recycling blockchain with proof-of-deep-learning.” In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC), pp. 19-23. IEEE, 2019.
Why I Teach
I used to be a Graduate TA for 5 semesters during my Ph.D. studies at the University of Notre Dame. The classes I TA’ed were undergrad algorithms and cryptography. I found it very interesting to get along with students, and the positive feedback from my students when I solved their problems was the most fulfilling moment during my teaching experience. Therefore, I decided to devote more time to the education side of this field after my graduation.
Additional Information
My research interests are secure data sharing, data provenance, fair exchange, and applied cryptography. Although blockchain has been the major tool that we’ve been using for our research, I cannot give any wise suggestions on which coin you should purchase since I’m bad at investment 🙁
Find my work on Google Scholar.