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Human resources professionals are valuable in any organization. Those who enjoy and excel at interacting with people and managing and identifying skills in others can give a company the boost it needs to grow and innovate. If you are excited about the prospect of becoming an HR manager or are currently in an entry-level position in the field, consider the master of business administration (MBA) with a concentration in human resources. It can give you a career advantage and open up new opportunities for you. And, our curriculum has been reviewed and endorsed by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), considered the foremost expert, convener and thought leader on issues impacting today’s evolving workplaces.

Building and Enriching your Skills

The human resources concentration prepares you to successfully manage an organization’s human resources, including employment, recruitment, compensation, benefits, training, and development. Our program examines the core functional areas of an organization as well as human resource and performance management topics. Graduates will be prepared for success in working with all aspects of human resources within a variety of organizations.

You will develop their problem-solving skills to systematically make better business decisions. You’ll be able to manage, develop, and motivate employees to meet changing business needs, and use technology to create and sustain competitive advantages.

Proven Results

Graduates from our MBA human resources concentration are consistently hired by prominent local companies, large and small, including Biomet, Fort Wayne Metals, Franklin Electric, OmniSource, Steel Dynamics, and many more.

Career Outlook

An MBA in Human Resources from Indiana Tech prepares you for a wide variety of in-demand careers. Below, you can explore career fields, salary information and employer demand from our partners at Lightcast, the leading labor market and career data provider in the U.S.
