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TEC Library

Indiana Tech’s Teaching Excellence Center (TEC) is located in the Cunningham Business Center, Room 113. There’s a bookshelf with books you can check out, and comfortable furniture if you just want a quiet place to have a cup of coffee and speak with colleagues. Below are all the books we have in our library. If you are interested in borrowing a book, please let Jia know (


A Handbook for Classroom Instruction that Works (2nd Ed.)

AUTHOR: Pitler/Stone

Amazon link:

Become an Effecitve Teacher in Minutes: Best Teaching Practices You Can Use Now

AUTHOR: Waxler/Glavac

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Better Learning Through Structured Teaching: A Framework for the Gradual Release of Responsibility

AUTHOR: Fisher/Frey

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Classroom Instruction that Works (2nd Ed.)

AUTHOR: Dean/Hubbell/Pitler/Stone

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Developing Learner-Centered Teaching: A Practical Guide for Faculty

AUTHOR: Blumberg, Phyllis

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Make Just One Change: Teach Students to Ask Their Own Questions

AUTHOR: Rothstein/Santana

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Learner-Centered Teaching: Five Key Changes to Practice

AUTHOR:  Weimer, Maryellen

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Never Work Harder Than Your Students & Other Principles of Great Teaching (2nd Ed.)

AUTHOR:  Jackson, Robyn R.

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Project-Based Learning in the First Year: Beyond All Expectations

AUTHOR:  Wobbe/Stoddard (Eds.)

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Teaching College: The Ultimate Guide to Lecturing, Presenting and Engaging Students

AUTHOR:  Eng, Norman

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The Skillful Teacher: On Technique Trust, and Responsiveness in the Classroom (2nd Ed.)

AUTHOR:  Stephen D. Brookfield

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Thinking about Teaching and Learning: Developing Habits of Learning with First Year College and University Students

AUTHOR:  Leamnson, Robert

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Where Great Teaching Begins: Planning for Student Thinking and Learning

AUTHOR:  Reeves, Anne R.

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Building Synergy for High-Impact Educational Initiatives: First-Year Seminars and Learning Communities

AUTHOR:  Schmidt/Graziano

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Design for How People Learn (2nd Ed.)

AUTHOR:  Dirksen, Julie

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How to Get a PhD: A Handbook for Students and Their Supervisors (6th Ed.)

AUTHOR:  Phillips/Pugh

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How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing

AUTHOR: Silvia, Paul J.

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What Every Manager Should Know About Training: An Insider’s Guide to Getting Your Money’s Worth From Training.

AUTHOR: Mager, Robert F.

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Engaging students

17,000 Classroom Visits Can’t be Wrong: Strategies that Engage Students, Promote Active Learning, and Boost Achievement

AUTHOR:  Antonetti/Garver

Amazon link:

50 Strategies to Boost Cognitive Engagement: Creating a Thinking Culture in the Classroom

AUTHOR:  Stobaugh, Rebecca

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Empower: What Happens When Students Own Their Learning

AUTHOR:  Spencer/Juliani

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I wish my teacher knew: How One Question Can Change Everything for Our Kids

AUTHOR:  Schwartz, Kyle

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Interactive Lecturing: A Handbook for College Faculty

AUTHOR:  Barkley/Major

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Motivating Students Who Don’t Care: Proven Strategies to Engage All Learners (2nd Ed.)

AUTHOR:  Mendler, Allen N.

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Student Engagement Techniques: A Handbook for College Faculty (2nd Ed.)

AUTHOR:  Barkley/Major

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Teaching for Deeper Learning: tools to Engage Students in Meaning Making

AUTHOR:  McTighe/Silver

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The Big Book of Improv Games

AUTHOR:  Spragge/Eichler

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Business Improv: Experiential Learning Exercises to Train Employees to Handle Every Situation with Success

AUTHOR:  Gee/Gee

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Putting improv to work: Spontaneous performance for professional and personal life

AUTHOR:  Greg Hohn

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Specific subject

Learning by Doing: A Handbook for Professional learning Communities at Work (3rd Ed.)

AUTHOR:  DuFour/DuFour/Eaker/ManyMattos

Amazon link:

Educating Engineers: Designing for the Future of the Field

AUTHOR:  Sheppherd/Macatangay/Colby/Sullivan

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Inclusive Learning 365: Edtech Strategies for Every Day of the Year

AUTHOR:  Bugaj/Janowski/Marotta/Poss

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Organizational Behavior: Bridging Science and Practice Version

AUTHOR:  Bauer/Erdogan

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Successful Science and Engineering Teaching in Colleges and Universities

AUTHOR:  Kalman, Calvin S.

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Collaborative Teams that Work: The Definitive Guide to Cycles of Learning in PLC

AUTHOR:  Sloper/Grift

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Trouble shooting

Analyzing Performance Problems or Your Really Oughta Wanna: How to figure out why people aren’t doing what they should be, and what to do about it

AUTHOR:  Mager/Pipe

Amazon link:

Classroom Management for Difficult Classrooms

AUTHOR:  Dombroski, C. F.

Amazon link:


Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning

AUTHOR:  Brown/Roediger/McDaniel

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Teach Students How to Learn: Strategies You Can Incorporate Into Any Course to Improve Student Metacognition, Study Skills, and Motivation

AUTHOR:  McGuire, Saundra

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Teach Yourself How to Learn: Strategies You Can Use to Ace Any Course at Any Level

AUTHOR:  McGuire, Saundra

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Unstoppable Learning: Seven Essential Elements to Unleash Student Potential

AUTHOR:  Leamnson, Robert

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Inclusive culture

Building on the Strengths of Students with Special Needs: How to Move Beyond Disability Labels in Classroom

AUTHOR: Karten, Toby 

Amazon link: 

Effective Strategies for Teaching Adults

AUTHOR:  Seaman/Fellenz

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From Behaving to Belonging: The Inlcusive Art of Supporting Students Who Challenge Us

AUTHOR:  Causton/Macleod

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Culturally Responsive Teaching & The Brain: promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students

AUTHOR:  Hammond, Zaretta

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Other People’s Children: Cultural Conflict in the Classroom

AUTHOR:  Delpit, Lisa

Amazon link:

The Educator’s Handbook for Inclusive School Practices

AUTHOR:  Causton/Tracy-Bronson

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Teacher training

Designing & Leading Life-Changing Workshops: Creating the Conditions for Transformation in Your Groups, Trainings and Retreats

AUTHOR:  Nelson/Ronka/Long

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Faculty Development and Student Learning: Assessing the Connections

AUTHOR:  Condon/Iverson/Manduca/Rutz/Willett/Huber/Haswell

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Instructor Excellence: Mastering the Delivery of Training

AUTHOR:  Powers, Bob

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Teaching Yourself to Teach

AUTHOR:  Watts, Selena

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The Power of Teacher Teams: With Cases, Analyses, and Strategies for Success

AUTHOR:  Troen/Boles

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How to Design & Teach Workshops That Work Every Time: The Workshop Survival Guide

AUTHOR: Fitzpatrick/Hunt 

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Online teaching

Creating courses online: Learn the Fundamental Tips, Tricks, and Strategies of Making the Best Online Courses to Engage Students

AUTHOR:  Watts, Selena

Amazon link:

Discussion-Based Online Teaching to Enhance Student Learning: Theory, Practice and Assessment

AUTHOR:  Bender, Tisha

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Distance Learning Workbook: Hands On Approach to Virtual Learning

AUTHOR:  Minasian/Kidder

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Interactions in Online Education: Implications for Theory & Practice

AUTHOR:  Juwah (Ed.)

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Best Practices in Co-Teaching & Collaboration: The HOW of Co-teaching– Implementing the Models

AUTHOR:  Fitzell, Susan Gingras

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Collaborative Learning Techniques: A Handbook for College Faculty (2nd Ed.)

AUTHOR:  Barkley/Major/Cross

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Co-Teaching Dos, Don’ts, and Do Betters

AUTHOR:  Karten/Murawski

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Co-Teaching that Works: Structures and Strategies for Maximizing Student Learning (2nd Ed.)

AUTHOR:  Berninghof, Anne M.

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Jump Start Your Brain

AUTHOR:  Hall, Doug

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Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead

AUTHOR:  Sandberg, Sheryl

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Long Life Learning: Preparing for Jobs That Don’t’ Even Exist Yet

AUTHOR:  Weise, Michelle

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The End of Procrastination: How to Stop Postponing and Live a Fulfilled Life

AUTHOR:  Ludwig/Schicker

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The New Science of Learning: How to Learn in Harmony with Your Brain

AUTHOR:  Doyle/Zakrajsek

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You Already Know How to Be Great: A Simple Way to Remove Interference and Unlock Your Greatest Potential

AUTHOR:  Fine, Alan

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Assessing Student Learning: A Common Sense Guide (2nd Ed.)

AUTHOR:  Suskie, Linda

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Effective Grading: A Tool for Learning and Assessment in College (2nd Ed.)

AUTHOR:  Walvoord/Anderson

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Embedded Formative Assessment (Strategies for Classroom Formative Assessment That Drives Student Engagement and Learning)

AUTHOR:  William, Dylan

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First Things First: A Handbook for Performance Analysis

AUTHOR:  Rossett, Alison

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Grading Strategies for the College Classroom: A Collection of Articles for Faculty

AUTHOR:  Magna Publications

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Making Classroom Assessment Reliable & Valid

AUTHOR:  Marzano, Robert J.

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Measuring Instructional Results or Got a Match? How to find out if your instructional objectives have been achieved

AUTHOR:  Mager Robert F.


Higher education rubric workbook: Standards for course design (6th ed.)

AUTHOR:  Quality Matters


The New Art and Science of Classroom Assessment (Authentic Assessment Methods and Tools for the Classroom)

AUTHOR:  Marzano/Norford/Ruyle

Amazon link:
